Better Solutions For Your School

We can help you manage your school academically and financially.

About Us

Welcome to Shule Tech, your ultimate destination for efficient and dynamic school management solutions. We understand that running a school involves numerous responsibilities, from overseeing academic progress to ensuring smooth administrative operations. That's where we come in.

At Shule Tech, we are passionate about revolutionizing the way schools are managed. Our comprehensive suite of software and services is designed to streamline processes, enhance communication, and empower educators, administrators, students, and parents alike.

With years of experience in the education industry, our team is committed to providing innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs of your institution. We believe that technology can be a powerful tool in transforming education, and our goal is to make your school's management tasks simpler, more efficient, and ultimately more effective.

At Shule Tech, we understand that each school has its unique challenges and requirements. That's why our solutions are customizable and scalable, allowing you to adapt and grow as your institution evolves. We work closely with our clients, listening to their feedback and constantly refining our offerings to meet their evolving needs.


Our school management system provides a comprehensive range of services that cater to the diverse needs of educational institutions.
Here are some of the key services offered

Student Information System

Our system allows you to efficiently manage student data, including personal information, enrollment details, attendance records, academic performance, and more. It provides a centralized database that can be easily accessed and updated by authorized staff members.

Examination and Assessment

Our system facilitates the creation and management of examinations and assessments. It enables you to create exam schedules, record results, and provide performance analysis.

Grade Management

Our grade management feature simplifies the process of recording and calculating student grades. It allows teachers to enter grades, calculate averages, and generate report cards, ensuring accurate and efficient grading.

Fee Management

Managing school finances and fee collections can be complex. Our system simplifies fee management by automating fee calculations, generating invoices, tracking payments, and providing financial reports.


Please feel free to reach out to us through the provided contact information. We are readily available to assist you and answer any questions or inquiries you may have. Whether it's via phone, email, or any other preferred method of communication, we are eager to connect with you and provide the support you need. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us – we're here to help!


Nanenane Bus Stand 1St Floor, Dodoma, Tanzania

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